A glimpse into the Swapfiets warehouse




26. April 2024

26. April 2024

26. April 2024

The warehouse in Barneveld, where the majority of our Swapfiets inventory is stored, is sometimes misunderstood as a location for broken and discarded bikes. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our storage facility is essential because the demand for Swapfiets, especially in other European countries, is seasonal and fluctuates. To serve our members as effectively as possible, we always ensure an adequate stock.

🚲 This is our sole central distribution centre from which we deliver and repair a large numbers of bikes for all our locations across Europe throughout the year. In 2023, we performed almost 20,000 repairs in Barneveld. Barneveld is also where all new bikes are made ready for use before being delivered across the countries.

🔧 During winter, many bikes are kept in the outdoor area as our indoor capacity is reached. The bikes outside of the premises are awaiting repair, and once that's done, they are moved inside the warehouse. Storing bikes outdoors is a conscious choice, as we don't need an unnecessarily large storage space throughout the year, allowing us to be energy-efficient and environmentally conscious.

♻️ While some bikes are temporarily stored outside for repair, these are not consistently the same bikes. These bikes undergo thorough checks and preparation according to our circular principles before being sent to customers or local warehouses. This ensures that our bikes are of high quality and can be used for an extended period, which is essential for promoting sustainable mobility.

🙏 All of this is done in collaboration with Pon Logistics. If you have any questions or need to know something, don't hesitate to reach out. We're more than happy to answer them!

Über Swapfiets

Swapfiets ist das weltweit erste "Bicycle-as-a-Service"-Unternehmen mit einem zirkulären Geschäftsmodell. Das 2014 in den Niederlanden gegründete Scale-up hat sich schnell zu einem der führenden Anbieter von Mikromobilität in Europa entwickelt und hat mittlerweile über mehr als 270.000 Mitglieder in den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Belgien, Dänemark, Frankreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Swapfiets will die Lebensqualität in europäischen Städten erhöhen, zudem strebt das Unternehmen eine zu 100% zirkuläre Produktlinie an sowie bis 2025 einen klimaneutralen Geschäftsbetrieb. Im Oktober 2022 ist Swapfiets offiziell der B Corp Gemeinschaft beigetreten, um seiner Mission mehr Nachdruck zu verleihen.

Das Konzept von Swapfiets ist einfach: gegen eine feste monatliche Gebühr steht Swapfiets-Mitgliedern immer ein funktionierendes Fahrrad zur Verfügung. Sollten unerwartet Probleme auftreten, wird das Fahrrad innerhalb von 10 Minuten in der Werkstatt repariert oder sofort und ohne zusätzliche Kosten ersetzt.


Ilse Gottlieb

Global PR & Communications Manager

For media enquiries only.


Ilse Gottlieb

Ilse Gottlieb

Global PR & Communications Manager


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